Developing Support For Estranged Students in Higher Education

The Stand Alone Pledge ran from October 2016 - March 2024. 

In March 2024 higher education providers reaffirmed their commitment to support estranged students through a

Stand Alone Legacy Pledge

For a list of higher education providers who signed the Stand Alone Legacy Pledge please see here.

 Stand Alone charity ceased to operate on 31 March 2024.

Stand Alone charity believed that students who are estranged from their families, i.e. who are studying without the support or approval of a family network, should not be held back from succeeding in Higher Education.

Estranged students who reach higher education often throw themselves wholeheartedly into studying. Many are determined that a lack of material and emotional support and/or approval from their family will not act as a disadvantage. Yet, despite being forcefully resilient internally, these students drop out of HE at a rate that is significantly higher than the average student.

The pledge helped institutions to develop support and enable these brave young students to stay resilient.

Pledging to Stand Alone meant that a university or college publically committed to supporting students studying without the support or approval of a family network. 

Having taken the Pledge the institution worked towards creating the right environment and conditions for estranged students to complete their course by improving support mechanisms in five key areas:

Pre-entry outreach and transition into higher educataion - Finance - Accommodation - Mental Health and Wellbeing - Graduation and Moving On


Our Funders



Our Supporters

UF logo 2


AMOSSHE 2014 logo white   

Who We Are

Stand Alone
34B York Way
London N1 9AB

Registered Charity Number 1154710

© Stand Alone 2013 - 2016